Review of Impact of Catch up Premium 2017-18

Catch up Premium 2017/18 received 1/3/18: £10,010

Reading Catch Up:

50 students have been identified from their KS2 reading SATS paper to not at expected standard in reading. These 50 students have been identified as our ‘catch up cohort’, 14 of this cohort are Pupil Premium students.

Reading – Up Strategy

  • High quality teaching and learning and staff CPPD to ensure that work is suitably differentiated to support the development of reading across the curriculum
  • Drop everything and Read – Twenty minutes per week on a rolling schedule for all students in Key Stage 3
  • High quality reading therapy delivered through our literacy teaching assistant
  • 0.05% reading challenge to boost the support from parents/carers to raise reading ages of the cohort. The 0.05% challenge refers to parents/carers committing to hearing their child read three times per week for twenty minutes – 0.05% is the breakdown of a student’s time within in one academic year if they read three times a week. Students are monitored through a reading buddy (Year 12 and 13 students)
  • Round 2 Challenge – Reading for Pleasure and increasing your vocabulary
  • Summer School focused on literacy and numeracy skills to prepare students for Year 7
  • Literacy Bootcamp to develop de-coding skills amongst our catch up cohort
  • EAL Bootcamp for new arrivals into the school for whom English is a second or third language

The purpose of the literacy catch up strategy is to focus students on their ability to comprehend what they are reading as well as enhancing their range and breadth of vocabulary.

Impact of Catch up Premium for Reading

We are measuring whether a student has ‘caught up’ through their reading age. A student who has caught up will have a reading age which is either at or exceeds their chronological age. The reading age is a measure of reading comprehension, inference and key skills needed to access the curriculum throughout the school

With regards to the eight students whose reading comprehension age has not reached their chronological age, additional support via the SEND register is in place for 2018/19. It must be noted that 63% of those children are EAL students with no identified SEND needs.

Overview of impact of wider curriculum strategies for reading

Numeracy Catch Up Premium

46 students have been identified from their KS2 SATS as ‘not at expected standard’. These 46 students have been identified as our ‘catch up cohort’, 15 of this cohort are in receipt on the pupil premium grant

Numeracy Catch- Up Strategy

  • Quality First Teaching on number skills based on therapy to target areas of weaknesses as shown in our baseline assessment for all Year 7 (September 2017)
  • Delivery of high quality number work therapy for key students in the catch-up cohort. This therapy is planned by our Numeracy coordinator and delivered by our numeracy teaching assistant
  • Maths ‘boot camp’ held throughout the year to provide intensive one day therapy for catch up students delivered by the Lead Teacher for maths at regular times throughout the year

We are measuring whether a student has ‘caught up’ through the re-testing of number skills. A student who has a raw mark which equals or exceeds a student’s score who was judged ‘at standard’ in the KS2 SATS has effectively ‘caught up’.

Impact of maths catch up premium 2017-18

Of the four children who did not effectively catch up one has an EHCP (education healthcare plan) and the other three are now identified as SEN K.

Literacy and Numeracy Catch –Up Premium