29 Apr 2020

Students achieving their Bronze and Silver iDEA Award

Well done to Yas (Y7) Milan (Y7) Samara (Y10) Nicoletta (Y10) Liberty (Y11) Finley (Y11) Libbie (Y11) for achieving their Bronze iDEA Award, the digital and enterprise equivalent of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award!

An extra well done to Finley (Y11), Liberty (Y11), Erin (Y9) and Hashim (Y13) on achieving their Silver iDEA Award!!

iDEA is the digital and enterprise equivalent of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Bronze is beginner level, Silver intermediate and Gold advanced. Whilst students have the time they can get started in achieving this award!

Watch this video, it introduces it in a couple of minutes:  https://www.youtube.com/embed/1Lc7ZZ3z7u4