Our Headteacher - Ian McArthur
WelcomeOur Sixth Form College is going from strength to strength with many of our Year 11 students opting to stay on and many joining us from across South Derbyshire to form a vibrant group of hard working and committed students.
If you would like to find out more about our school please feel free to visit us at any time during the working day. You will see for yourself what the school has to offer and how happy and hardworking our students are.
Ofsted 2016
‘This is a truly inclusive school. Governors, senior leaders, staff and pupils share a common belief that there is a place for everyone at Paulet and aspirations are equally high for every pupil.’
‘Teachers deliver engaging and interesting lessons and pupils make good progress across a wide range of subjects.’
‘Keeping pupils safe is a priority for everyone in the school. ’