Paulet High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We recognise that this is everyone’s responsibility. At Paulet High School, we pay due regard to new legislation when carrying out our duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Paulet High School works with the procedures set out by the Staffordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board, Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023) and Keeping Children Safe in Education (2024). We do this by:

  • Ensuring that Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.
  • Ensuring children in our school can share their concerns and ensure that they have a ‘voice’.
  • Ensuring our staff are trained, regularly and rigorously.
  • Ensuring children in our school are educated through a broad and balanced curriculum offering advice and guidance which allows them to make decision to help keep themselves safe.
  • Ensuring we work collaborative, knowing that no one agency can have the full picture, sharing information in a timely and accurate way and also ensuring that when required, we are not afraid to challenge professionals to ensure the best outcomes for children and young people.

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

CAMHS is an online health platform that has a wealth of self-help information for children, young people, parents/carers and professionals about mental health and the services offered. It also allows for access to routine online self-referrals for children and young people, without the requirement for students to go through their GP. This supports children and young people being able to access increased support and services whilst reducing waiting time for referral.

Accessing CAMHS directly

Young people under 18 years of age can self-refer to CAMHS with the consent of their parents/carers, using the online form on our website.



This website allows anyone to report online abuse directly to the online-safety branch of the police.


This website has been set up by the Safer Internet Centre. The site allows you to get specific advice and guidance regarding online safety issues and to report issues directly, including images that may have been shared without consent.


This website provides information and advice regarding how to block and report issues based upon your device and app being used.

Young Minds

Access for mental health queries, including self-harm, anger, eating problems, identity and abuse.

Mental Health Community Services

For those in need of urgent support regarding their mental health, you can contact our dedicated mental health access line, available 24-hours, on 0808 196 3002 where you will have the opportunity to access mental health support.

Chat Health

ChatHealth is an award-winning messaging service for young people and parents to get advice and support about health-related issues. Messages will be responded to by Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s Health Visitors or School Nurses, dependent on the age of your child, as part of Staffordshire’s new Families Health and Wellbeing Service. The Service can support on health and wellbeing issues including weaning, behaviour, health, developmental concerns and concerns regarding your child’s weight or emotional wellbeing.


Student access via texting:
07520 615721

Parental access via texting:
07520 615722

Parents can have a virtual drop in with a school nurse every Thursday between 15:30 – 16:40 via


Tellmi is an anonymous peer support app that is monitored by trained professionals and counsellors. Young people can post and receive support for any worries and/or provide support to other young people of the same age. They can also add the Paulet Portal which gives them information about the support available that is specific to our school.

Safeguarding Leads

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs. V. Deer – Deputy headteacher

Mrs. N. Bradley – Safeguarding Officer

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mr. D. Deer – Wellbeing Manager

Mr. S. Green – Assistant Headteacher

Mrs. C. McArthur – Assistant Headteacher

Mrs. J. Smith – Home School Link Worker


During school hours and term time you can contact the Safeguarding Team by calling the main school number 01283 247900 and asking for the designated safeguarding lead or by emailing FAO: Mrs. V. Deer.

Weekends and holidays

During weekend and Hollidays if you are concerned about the safety of a child or young person please use the contact details below:

  • Staffordshire
    • Staffordshire Childrens’ Advice and Support Team (Monday- Friday 8am-5pm) 0300 111 8007
    • Emergency Out of Hours (Evenings and Weekends) 0345 604 2886
  • Derbyshire
    • Child Protection Referrals 01629 533190
  • Police
    • Non-Emergency- 101
    • Emergency- 999