Grief and Loss
What is Grief?
It is extremely difficult when someone dies. It does not matter how close you were to that person, who that person was to you or what your relationship was. It could be a family member, a friend or someone you didn’t know in person.
Emotions you may feel could be:
- Shock
- Anger
- Sadness
- Emptiness
- Disbelief
- Relief that the person is now out of pain
When someone dies it’s natural to feel a range of emotions and those emotions can come and go over time. There is no right or wrong way to grieve but if any of those emotions become too much and you feel you need to reach out for support here are some healthy ways to do that.
Whatever you’re feeling is ok and you’re not alone.
If you're grieving, this is for you
Ways you can help yourself
- Keep to a routine
- Allow yourself to feel whatever emotion is happening for you
- Take time to reach out to family, friends or professionals
- Keep yourself busy
- Do something positive you enjoy like listening to music, get some fresh air, watching a movie or playing a game.
- Talk about the memories you have of that person to others
You, your friends and your family can access these sites for more help
Winstons Wish
Helpline – 08088 020 021 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm offer therapeutic advice on supporting a grieving child or young person after the death of a loved one.
ASK email service – email them for advice and support following the death of someone or you can visit the website and fill in the online form.
Online chat – Wednesday and Friday 12pm-4pm click ‘ASK US’ image on the website. online chat service to speak to someone about your grief or ask for guidance on supporting a bereaved child or young person.
Crisis messenger text: WW to 85258 – If you are a bereaved young person experiencing a crisis. Text service offers free 24/7 support for anyone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying, relationship issues.
Helpline – 0808 808 1677 or email
Open Monday and Friday 9.30am-5pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.30am-8pm.
Local Branches to request counselling support following the death of someone: Burton 01283 533362 email: Derby: 01332 332098 Email:
Our wellbeing community and support continues even during these times where we may be isolated from each other.  This comes in many forms:
- All of the Wellbeing Team are available via email during school time. We will respond as quickly as we can to any contact and signpost you to the support you need ;;
There is a range of support we can access through contacting the Wellbing Hub – this includes:
- Burton Youth for Christ and the Listening Service – Available for you to talk through how you are feeling to process the current situation
- Our school counsellor
- MIND for our students over the age of 16
- Mental Health Support Team;
If you or a member of our community needs support outside of school hours and anyone is an immediate risk of harm, please contact:
Samaritans – We’re here to listen 24 hours, 365 days a year. Call 116 123 for free
Childline – Call 0800 1111
Shout – text support 85258
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. It expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. If you have any concerns that a child has been harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure, please contact our designated safeguarding lead Mrs. V. Deer (Deputy Head)