02 Apr 2020

Millie (Paulet student), in remembrance of Simeon

Simeon was one of those people who knew what to say and when to say it. I was so lucky and proud to have have you as one of my best friends. If you were upset he was the one person you could count on to make your day just out of being his funny, charming self. I have so many memories with him that I will cherish for the rest of my life. 
We walked home from school together all of time and he taught me many things he had learnt from being in cadets (like how to make sure we were both walking EXACTLY the same!) If we weren’t walking in time he would always notice and change his steps to make sure we were walking with the same feet at the same time. He also taught me how to salute properly but I could never get it right.

Your answer to Miss Jelley’s question ‘What’s brown and sticky?’ in science in Year 9 will always make me giggle. You had the whole class in stitches!
Simeon saw me as the mother of our friendship group and so when I told him to hurry up because I wanted to get home or that he shouldn’t have done something, in an American accent he would always say ‘Sorry Mom!!’ Which made me smile and always will.
You may not be here right now Simeon but your memory lives on (and that infectious smile!) Heaven has just welcomed a beautiful soul and you will always have a place in all of our hearts.