15 Jan 2021

Mrs Walkman in remembrance of Rebecca

Where do I start… You were such a strong character. It doesn’t seem five minutes since you were all going to nursery together.
I remember helping on a school trip, you were in my group, even then you took charge and led the way with your clipboard at the front. You were a great little helper!
I have such fond memories of you at Edge Hill, you always came and had a little chat with me at dinner, you used to get so excited waving to your mum over the fence whenever we were on the field.
I’ll never forget Leah’s ice skating party, you were the life and soul of the party, you had everyone in stitches of laughter.
Even though you and Leah had your little fall outs, you always made up and you’ve been a great friend to Leah. I know she’s lost a best friend she’s so heartbroken. She will never forget you.