03 Apr 2020

Mr McArthur (Headteacher at Paulet), in remembrance of Simeon

Simeon – how I’ll miss your smile and constant ‘alright Sir?’

Simeon was one of those students that attained the status of being a ‘first namer’….we all knew him just by his first name!  Reading all of the memories about Simeon, I am struck by their similarity – funny, mischievous, caring, always asking after people – making sure they were okay!  He always shared (sometimes too much) and always seemed to make a classroom brighter.  We had our ups and downs, he was a boy after all, but he always, without fail, ended the day smiling.  I have really happy memories of conversations I had with Simeon and I will keep them tucked away, in that special place, where we keep memories of those we’ve lost.  Times are hard now and we think of Simeon with sadness but the day will come when thinking about him will bring a smile and a wonderful memory – Simeon would’ve liked that – bringing a smile to our faces.  Rest in peace Simeon – you really were one of a kind, Mr McArthur